4445 S. 74th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Phone: 918.627.3188 Fax: 918.627.2676
1415 FM 1960 East Houston, TX 77073 Phone: 281.445.8700 Fax: 281.445.8880
12441 Business Highway 287N Ft. Worth, TX 76179 Phone: 817.230.4249 Fax: 817.350.4537
5116 NW 3rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73128 Phone: 405.603.6722 Fax: 405.603.6737
3519 W. Beal City Road, Weidman, MI 48893 Phone: 989.441.1500 Fax: 989.441.1505
9745 E. Hampden Ave., Suite 250 Denver, CO 80231 Phone: 720.833.7032 Fax: 303.344.1525
101 Alexander Avenue Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 Phone: 973.616.4501 Fax: 973.616.4451
7 West End Way Norwell, MA 02061 Phone: 781.261.9688 Fax: 781.261.9679
3180 Industry Drive - Unit "C" North Charleston, SC 29418 Phone: 843.628.1342 Fax: 866.594.3233
3216 Wetmore Ave., Suite 207 Everett, WA 98201 Phone: 425.903.4850 Fax: N/A
206 Eleanor Ct NW, South Prairie, WA 98385 Phone: 425.903.4850 Fax: N/A
6711 NE 58th Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 Phone: 360.694.6242 Fax: 360.737.3766
17902 Georgetown Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Phone: 714.963.6202 Fax: 714.963.6360
14538-121A Avenue Edmonton, AB T5L 4L2 Phone: 780.453.6677 Fax: 780.482.4356
The model identification used for EDI products consists of three groups, eg: UL-CUG-SW. The first group defines the basic product while the second and third groups define the various options associated with that product. This selection guide briefly describes products within the EDI U Series. For further information, see the individual data sheets.
U Series underground references are available with Cu/CuSO4 or Ag/AgCl elements. Standard termination is 50 feet #14AWG HMWPE wire; other wire sizes and types are possible. EDI designs and builds references for any underground application. We also offer the standard products listed below.
Reduced Diameter Reference Electrodes (SlimLineTM)
These references can be installed in a 2 inch (5 cm) diameter hole. They are typically used in retrofit installations beneath paved surfaces such as underground tanks, hydraulic cylinders or pipes. They are also ideal for use beneath aboveground storage tanks. Model US has a 30 year design life while Model US50 has a 50 year design life. Model UD Dual Element Reference Electrode is a variation of the SlimLine references. It has a Cu/CuSO4 or an Ag/AgCl element with a 30 year design life in addition to a zinc element. It is primarily used beneath aboveground storage tanks.
Standard Design Underground Reference Electrodes
These references are contained in a cotton bag filled with a bentonite-gypsum backfill. They are best for new construction where there is an open excavation. Model UL Extended Life Reference Electrode with a 30 year design life has become the standard reference electrode for underground applications. Choose Model UL50 for demanding applications requiring a 50 year design life. Model ULM is Model UL contained in a smaller bag.
Undertank Reference Electrodes
These reference electrodes are designed for measuring potential profiles through a perforated pipe beneath aboveground storage tanks. Model UT2 fits through a 2 inch pipe while Model UT3 is used in a 3 inch pipe. Model UT1 can fit through a 2 inch short radius ell allowing its use in existing monitoring pipes.
Cathodic Protection Coupons
Cathodic Protection Coupons permit the measurement of IR drop free potentials on all types of cathodic protection systems (sacrificial and impressed current). Model UC Underground CP coupon is a patented plate coupon that permits measurements to be made without disconnecting the coupon; it is available with an optional internal zinc reference. This product is attached to a conventional test station. Model UI sensor is a rod coupon fitted to Model UL or US references at time of manufacture; the coupon is momentarily disconnected to make instant-off measurements.
UX Custom References
The UX model designation is used for special or unusual customer requirements.