Full Coat #1®


Fill-Coat #1® is a low melt point, hot-installed petrolatum compound that sets uprelatively firm at ground temperatures commonly found in normal pipeline operations. It has good "wetting" and adhesion characteristics and prevents possible corrosion of pipe in casings. Fill-Coat #1 meets the Department of Transportation requirements for shorted casings, and is expertly installed from readily available inventories by Trenton personnel.

End Use

Fill-Coat #1 is used to displace water that may otherwise be present in the annular space between a casing and internal carrier pipe.

Application Procedures

Fill-Coat #1 is delivered to the casing site in Trenton insulated tank trucks and pumped through an opening at the top of the casing vent until the annulus between the casing and the carrier pipe is filled.


Material is pumped directly into the casing from Trenton's heated tankers.

  • Prevents galvanic and atmospheric corrosion within casings
  • Has good "wetting" and adhesion characteristics
  • Displaces and prevents re-entry of water in casings
  • Corrects "water shots"
  • Protects casing from deterioration
  • Reduces cathodic protection current drain by Possible corrects "metallic short"
  • Satisfies DOT requirements for shorted casings
  • Carrier pipe can be removed
  • Inert and nonvolatile
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Delivered and installed by heated tank trucks
  • Extra material brought to jobsite
  • Surplus material returned to our facilities at no extra charge
  • Material installed through meters
  • Experienced personnel to perform work
  • Equipment available for small and large jobs
  • Storage facilities to insure material availability
  • Color: Brown
  • Specific Gravity at 60°F: 0.80 to 0.90
  • Pour Point: 100 to 120°F
  • Flash Point: 300°F minimum


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Full Coat #1® Full Coat #1® PDF

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