The TC7025 Epoxy Kit contains:
· Epoxy Resin-Black in color in the large container
· Hardening Agent-Opaque in color in the small container
· TC7025 is 100% Solids Epoxy containing no volatile organic compounds (VOC)
Surface Preparation:
Prior to coating application the surface should be clean, dry, free of rust, dust, scale, sharp points and burrs. Oil and grease should be removed with a solvent prior to sandblasting. The solvent should not leave a film residue.
The substrate should have a 2 to 4 mil surface profile most easily achieved by sandblasting.
Reference Standards:
· Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) SP-10 Near-White Blast Cleaning
· National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) NACE-2 Near White Blast Cleaning
· Swedish Standards (SQ, ST) Sa 2 1/2. Near-White Blast Cleaning
· Mix the Total Contents of the Hardener in to the larger container of Resin
· Mix thoroughly for about three minutes before applying. It is helpful to use a power drill or power mixer to mix larger quantities
· Do not exceed the Epoxy "Pot Life". When the Epoxy begins to pull as it is applied, the window for application has closed. Use smaller quantity epoxy kits for smaller coating jobs.
· (See application specifications for more detailed instructions.)