Gradient Control Mat - GCM

Personnel working near pipelines can be subject to electrical hazards such as lightning, AC fault current/voltage, and steady-state AC induction. "Ground mats" have typically been used at above ground pipeline structures where these hazards exist, but past designs do not provide adequate protection against lightning conditions.

DEI offers engineered Gradient Control Mats (GCM) to address lightning and AC fault current conditions, backed by analysis from experts in lightning protection and with a full review by Correng Consulting of the cathodic protection guidelines of this mat design. Step and touch potentials are now limited with the DEI grid-type mat, in a much lower cost design. DEI also recommends decoupling gradient control mats to improve CP on the pipeline, and offers the affordable Solid-State Decoupler (SSD) line for use in conjunction with the Gradient Control Mat.

Features and Characteristics:

·       Low cost design.

·       Galvanized steel grid, using 3" x 3" squares.

·       Low inductance design limits step and touch potentials due to lightning.

·       Decoupling the mat offers long life and improved CP on the pipeline.

·       Data available on design life and supplement anodes.


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