Global Thermoelectric Generators

Consider Global Thermoelectric Generators whenever:

·       Design considerations include reliability and cost effectiveness.

·       Power requirements are between 10 VA and 1.5 kVA.

·       Grid power may be intermittent or too expensive.


GLOBAL Thermoelectric Generators (TEG's) are economical sources of impressed current for cathodic protection systems.  As the industry leader in highly reliable, economically sound, low maintenance sources of DC electrical power, GLOBAL thermoelectric generators are used when AC grid power is unavailable or simply too costly.

Because thermoelectric conversion is a solid state phenomenon, TEG's have no moving parts and operate reliably for long periods of time without maintenance or supervision.  Electrical power is generated by the direct conversion of heat from the combustion of fuel into electricity.

Today's users of cathodic protection are highly cost conscious, and most expenditures are based on sound economic analysis to justify capital and operating costs.  GLOBAL thermoelectric generators are proven to be a reliable source of continuous current, and should always be considered for cathodic protection applications.  Only GLOBAL offers TEG's with an extended design lifetime and limited annual maintenance.

GLOBAL's CP-TEG's are normally located near the ground bed, and supplied with fuel from tanks or from wellheads or pipelines.  The current output can be adjusted by means of an integral variable resistor, so the output current is matched to the ground bed resistance.  There are NO batteries in the system, unlike costly solar sites.

GLOBAL thermoelectric power systems are found working reliably in every climate in over 51 countries.  Over 15000 generators have been shipped, for use on mountain tops and deserts, from the Arctic Islands to the southern Sahara, and from the Australian deserts to the rain forest of Africa.  With over 15 years of experience in supplying DC power to the cathodic protection industry, GLOBAL thermoelectric generators offer:

·       Solid State design ensures high reliability and low maintenance.

·       Stainless Steel, weatherproof construction means NO sheltering required.

·       Quite ecologically sound service.

·       Extended design lifetime, with limited annual maintenance.

·       Operation on propane, butane, natural gas.

Global's cathodic package includes:

·       Lockable, stainless steel enclosure.

·       Easy to read volt/ammeter.

·       Terminal block for up to 9 mm (00 AWG) cable.

·       Variable resistor to control current output.

·       Optional split current package, which allows one generator to supply two cathodic loads.

Note:  The CP interface design may vary for different generator models.


Ready to Run

Most GLOBAL CP generators are offered complete with:

·     Lockable Stainless Steel CP Interface Enclosure.

·     Volt/ammeter.

·     Output terminal block accommodating AWG 00 conductors to GP circuit.

·     Variable slide resistor for current control.

·     Operating and maintenance instruction manuals.

Perhaps most importantly, there is no need for batteries. TEG's operate continuously, and are equipped to re-ignite automatically in the event of fuel interruption. No backup or reserve is required. Battery dependent systems can be effective, of course, but the cost implications of purchasing, sheltering, and periodically replacing batteries should be a part of any alternative power study.

Analysis of specific system proposals usually shows that both initial costs and system lifetime costs are significantly lower with GLOBAL's Model 1120 is approved for hazardous locations meeting Class I Division I and Division II, Group D Atmosphere and T3 temperature code specifications. This model is certified by the Canadian Standards Association and by Factory Mutual Research Corporation. This is the ideal model for offshore applications when restricted by safety requirements and space limitations.

Hazardous Approved: GLOBAL also offers thermoelectric generators approved for hazardous areas. GLOBAL's Model 1120 is approved for hazardous locations meeting Class 1 Division I and Division II, Group D Atmosphere and T3 temperature code specifications. This model is certified by the Canadian Standards Association and by Factory Mutual Research Corporation. This is the ideal model for offshore applications when restricted by safety requirements and space limitations.

Low Maintenance: Preventative maintenance consists of cleaning or replacing a fuel filter and fuel orifice once per year. Maintenance is performed on site in a few hours, with basic hand tools and mechanical skills.

Wire Operating Temperature: Operation in ambient temperatures from -77°F (-65°C to +150°F (+65°C). No rainfall, snowfall, or wind limitations apply, except that the generator must not be flooded or inundated.

Complete Accessories: GLOBAL has all the necessary accessories for a complete power generating system using thermoelectric generators; stands, propane tanks and hoses, gas depressurization systems, DC to DC converts, batteries and equipment shelters.

Larger Systems: Thermoelectric generators can be combined to meet high power requirements. These systems may combine multiple generator models electrically connected in series or parallel. Systems have been designed and installed providing over 3.0 kvA.

Economic Advantages: The true cost of a cathodic protection system includes not only the initial purchase and installation costs, but also the cost of supervising and operating the system, and the periodic replacement of failed or consumed components, such as anodes and batteries. A GLOBAL thermoelectric powered system can be cost effective in all areas. No supervision is required, and the preventive maintenance interval scan be up to one year.

Fuel consumption is minimal. For example, a GLOBAL generator can impress 10 amps continuously into a 1 ohm ground bed at 10 volts, and consume just 1100 U.S. gallons of LPG or 114 MCF of natural gas per year.


Item #Product NameQuoteSpecs
Model 5030 21 Watts @ 12 Volts; 21 Watts @ 24 Volts PDF
Model 5120 120 Watts @ 6.7 Volts; 108 Watts @ 12 Volts;108 Watts @ 24 Volts; 108 Watts @ 48 Volts PDF
Model 5220 220 Watts @ 12 Volts; 176 Watts @ 24 Volts PDF
Model 5050 50 Watts @ 6.7 Volts; 50 Watts @ 14 Volts; 50 Watts @ 27 Volts PDF
Model 1500 Hazardous Area Generator; 500 Watts @ 24 volts PDF
Model 5060 60 Watts @ 6.7 Volts; 54 Watts @ 12 Volts; 54 Watts @ 24 Volts; 54 Watts @ 48 Volts PDF
Model 1120 Hazardous Area Generator; 110 Watts @ 6.7 Volts; 100 Watts @ 12 Volts; 100 Watts @ 24 Volts; 100 Watts @ 48 Volts PDF
Model 8550 480 Watts @ 12 Volts; 550 Watts @ 24 Volts; 480 Watts @ 48 Volts PDF
Model 5100 100 Watts @ 6.7 Volts; 100 Watts @ 14 Volts; 100 Watts @ 27 Volts PDF

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